Pearl J. started the company MaddPadd Productions in ....Sacramento.., ..California..... Since then Pearl J. has been a positive asset to her community as well as surrounding cities, she has made Business Woman of the Year in 2003, Certificate of Appreciation in 2005 by George Bush, National Leadership Leadership in 2007, Nominated for Most Exceptional Black Woman and Entrepreneur in 2008 . Pearl J. has also join forces with Cliff C-Dawg Wise of Global Music Group Canada. The Definition of MaddPadd is: Music Associates Doing Different Programs adding Different Dimension's. As a unit she will continue to work hard and keep pushing great music, great shows and great attitudes as her daily struggles continue to be the best she can be. Her goal is to promote positive lyrics in our music and keep negative energy away from the ear of the public as much as possible, and as entertainers not to display behavior that may reflect or demonstrate dysfunctional and/or destructive behavior.